Thursday, August 16, 2012

Using Time Wisely

Yesterday I spent all day juggling a needier than usual baby and playing catch-up with house cleaning that didn’t get done while I spent the previous three days sick.  I failed to accomplish some important things and went to bed last night feeling like I had let myself down.  This morning I made myself get out of bed with a new determination and better attitude.  I decided that I need to spend today making a set of new goals and a more organized, less chaotic schedule, and emerge from my bed tomorrow closer to the person I want and need to be.    I already have a daily “To Do” list that I create every evening and add things to during the day, but I need more than just that.  I may even be guilty of doing things that weren’t on the list and then adding them just so I can cross them off.  HA!  I also have an excel spreadsheet of my day in half hour increments to give me a general idea of what I should be doing when, and just to remind me of the importance of the self-discipline that I need to have for my work from home life to be a success.  Time to de-clutter my life and create my own map to success.  Here’s my map.

New Goals

Wake up when my husband gets home.  I NEED to have some time in the mornings to visit with my husband for both of our sakes.  I also need a small amount of quiet Willow free time in the mornings.  It will be nice to have Daddy around to help with the baby while I wake up, hang washed diapers on the clothes line, shower, and enjoy a peaceful cup of coffee.  I can also use this time to blog, something I have not been able to find time for since having the baby. I love mornings, but am not a morning person.  Eight in the morning is a very reasonable time to wake up. No more staying up till wee hours in the morning rendering myself too tired to wake up before 9:30. 

Spend time daily outside with Willow while caring for the animals after everyone is fed and dressed.  We both need play time outside for sanity’s sake and I she enjoys helping with farm chores.  What a great way to kill two birds with one stone.  This is also MY escape time.  I NEED to make time for myself, and although I’m not by myself, this time will help me feel centered.    Alone time will come later.  No more rushing and trying to squeeze animal care in after dark.  That’s ridiculous.

Computer time is not when I could be doing something productive.  I am only going to be on the computer either early in the morning during my “peaceful time”, while I’m nursing, or in the evenings during my “relaxation time”.  It can eat up a lot of my time, I have nothing to show for it, and have less slash marks through tasks on my To Do list.  No more wasting time online.

Accomplish housecleaning and meal preparation while the two year old is awake.  No more scrambling to get all of this done while she’s sleeping.  I need to utilize my toddler free time to accomplish Feral Farm tasks.  No more putting Feral Farm on the back burner. It’s more important than a clean house.  It’s my source of income and I…umm…….need more income!  I need to take my business more seriously and work harder if I want it to generate a serious income.

Accomplish “To Do” list goals BEFORE I milk the goats. No more going back to the “To Do” list after my husband is off to work and my toddler is off to bed.  It gets me wound up and makes it hard to get to sleep at a decent hour.  After it’s “goat milkin’ time”, that’s it.  What didn’t get done for the day will have to wait until tomorrow. 

Milk the goats at six o’ clock. No more seven-thirty milking. My two year old will usually still be napping at this time, so if by chance the baby is also napping, then I won’t have to wake Daddy up to watch screaming kids while I go out to milk.  If she is awake, I am going to try and bring her with me. He is um…..not a happy person upon waking up J, and screaming kids and grumpy Daddy are not fun for any of us. I’ll not be so stressed and pressed for time to get dinner made and my husband’s lunch made before he leaves for work.  Evenings will be a lot more relaxed with an extra hour to get everything done. 

Bathe kids every other day and put Willow to bed right after Daddy goes to work. My toddler enjoys her bath time and it relaxes the baby at a time of day that she seems to want to scream a lot.  No more remembering just as I think I’m done with things “Oh no.  I have to give the kids a bath tonight.”  Not sure why I never remember until the last minute. I’ll just plan on doing it every other day and write it into my schedule.

Relax in the evenings and get to bed BY midnight. I know I can’t control exactly when I fall asleep, but I can create an environment conducive of relaxation and sleep. After the kids are bathed and sleeping I can spend some time on the computer, or watching tv to unwind a little.  Then I will get ready for bed and bring the baby in bed with me to nurse while I read.  When reading has made me drowsy enough, I’ll put the baby in her crib and turn the lights out for myself. No more staying up until 1, 2, or later in the morning.

These are all attainable goals that will help me simplify and organize my chaotic life.  Organization and self-discipline are key to having some sanity, and hopefully even some serenity, in my life.  I am going to print these off and keep them where I will see them daily.  Is there anything you have been doing or want to be doing differently in your life to be your ideal self?  

   I took this right before a big storm this summer.  I feel like my personal chaos storm is almost over.

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